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Heartsaver / CFR Community Instructor

Sudden cardiac arrest is one of the leading causes of death in Ireland. In fact, sudden cardiac arrest is truly a public health crisis. Unlike other health problems of this magnitude sudden cardiac arrest is treatable. This alarming statistic could hit close to home, because home is exactly where 80 percent of cardiac arrests occur. Put very simply: The life you save with CPR is mostly likely to be someone you love.

The treatment for most cases of sudden cardiac arrest is Early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) with an emphasis on chest compressions followed by rapid treatment with a defibrillator (AED).

A strong Chain of Survival can improve chances of survival and recovery for victims of cardiac arrest,
heart attack, stroke and other emergencies.

Who Should become Instructors:

  • Anyone lay-person or health professional interested in teaching skills and knoweldge for the treatment of Cardiac Arrest, Heart Attack, Stroke and Choking emergencies.
  • Community First Response Schemes responding to the above emergencies.
  • Vouluntary Organisations ( Sports clubs )
  • Workplaces requiring in-house training
  • Emergency Service Organisations (Fire, Gardai, Ambulance, Mountain Rescue, Coast Guard, Search & Rescue)


Crystal Safety Services affiliated training site with the Irish Heart Foundation now offers this course to enable participants to teach IHF Heartsaver CPR / AED for Adult and Paediatric, along with teaching the new PHECC CFR Community Level course which includes skills of CPR, AED, FBAO (choking), Stroke assessment (F.A.S.T.) and the administration of Aspirin for suspected Heart Attack Patients.

Candidates will also, along with administering the above courses will keep appropriate training records, remediate skills, maintain manikin hygiene and answer reasonable questions. The Heartsaver Instructor Course will be of two days duration.

Course Prerequisites: - Important !!!!!!

Candidates will be required to complete the full IHF Heartsaver CPR/AED (including adult, child and infant modules) and PHECC CFR-Community Level courses as a prerequisite to attend the Heartsaver CPR/AED and CFR Community Level Instructor Course.

In addition to the above, candidates will also be required to complete a core instructor course which is a 6-8 hour continuous interactive course which is completed on your PC prior to attending the Heartsaver CPR/AED and CFR Community Level Instructor Course. 

Core Instructor Course is the official, self-directed, e-learning program from the American Heart Association (AHA).

The Core Instructor Course is an e-learning product that uses video and online scenarios to present realistic classroom situations. Successful completion of this module, paired with discipline specific course, monitoring and Training Center affiliation meets the requirements for the issuing of an IHF / AHA Instructor card.

(Core Instructor Packs will be sent to delegates on receipt of instructor booking form and course fees, Closing Date for Applications August 24th 2012). 

Post Course Certification Requirements:

Once the Heartsaver Instructor Course is successfully completed new Heartsaver Instructors must successfully demonstrate their teaching skills while instructing any of the HS-AED, BLS or CFR Provider Courses.

Monitoring must be done within 90 days of completing the instructor course and monitoring must be completed by a current BLS Faculty member or Instructor Trainer.

Affiliation to Crystal Safety Services: 

On successful completion of this instructor course, Crystal Safety Services will facilitate newly qualified instructors in providing them with trainee completion cards for canidates they teach.

IHF / PHECC Instructors
Max. Number to an Instructor:
3 :1
Course Dates:
Friday 14th - Saturday 15th of September 2012
Course Venue:
Woodstock Hotel, Ennis, Co. Clare
Course Times:
09:00-18:00 daily
Course Duration:
2-Days plus 1-Day e-learning core instructor course
IHF Heartsaver Instructor and PHECC CFR Community Level Instructor certificates
Certification For:
2 Years (Instructors must teach a minimum of four courses within the two-year period of their certification)