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BLS and AED for Community, Sports, Schools & Voluntary Groups

Crystal Safety Services affiliated training site with the Irish Heart Foundation now offers the following provider courses within the Basic Life Support (BLS) programme: 

  • Family & Friends CPRIrish Heart Foundation Training Courses
    The CPR for Family & Friends course teaches you CPR skills. It will teach you the importance of your role in the Chain of Survival to save a life. Instructors will assist and give individual attention throughout the practice sessions of the course. The atmosphere of the class is generally very relaxed to help promote a positive and enjoyable learning experience. This course is ideal for anyone interested in learning the basic skills involved in CPR. The course will take approximately 2 hours to complete and with the knowledge and skills you learn in this course you can increase the chance of survival for victims of life-threatening emergencies.
  • Heartsaver AED
    Heartsaver CPR & AED is a classroom, video-based, instructor-led course that teaches adult CPR and AED use, as well as how to relieve choking on an adult.  Optional modules in child CPR and AED use and infant CPR, including child and infant choking.  This course teaches skills with AHA’s research-proven Practice-While-Watching technique, which allows instructors to observe the students, provide feedback and guide the students’ learning of skills.
    Upon completion of this course, students receive an IHF/AHA CPR & AED Course Completion Card that is valid for two years. During the course, an IHF Instructor conducts video-based lessons and works with students to complete their CPR and AED skills practice and testing. This course takes approximately 3 hours. 
  • Cardiac First Response (CFR) Responder
    The CFR Responder Course taught by the Irish Heart Foundation includes the Heartsaver AED Course (please see above) plus additional modules. These include the administration of aspirin, stroke assessment (FAST Assessment), critical incident stress awareness, Cardiac First Responder Report (CFRR) and legal indemnity issues. The CFR Responder Course takes approximately 6 hours to complete and you will receive an Irish Heart Foundation / Pre Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC) CFR Responder course completion card in addition to a Heartsaver AED course completion card upon successfully completing the course. This is a dually IHF/AHA and IHF/PHECC certified course
Now Everyone can Help Save a Life

Sudden cardiac arrest is one of the leading causes of death in Ireland . In fact, sudden cardiac arrest is truly a public health crisis. Unlike other health problems of this magnitude sudden cardiac arrest is treatable. The cure for most cases of sudden cardiac arrest is immediate treatment with a defibrillator.

Basic Life Support & Automated External Defibrillation

Currently in Ireland the survivability rate for out of

hospital cardiac arrest is less than 1%.

Time to defibrillation is the most critical factor in survival of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA ). If an AED is "on-site" within two minutes there is an 80% chance that the victim will survive. This is one of the reasons that survival rates improve in areas with active AED programmes. Remember, every minute that passes before defibrillation the survival rate reduces by 7-10 percent.

Basic Life Support & Automated External Defibrillation

Fast to Learn

So simple to operate that an Occupational First-Aider with appropriate training can potentially save the life of a co-worker, friend, visitor, member of family or the public.

Easy to Use

Calming natural voice instructions coach the Occupational First-Aider through the steps of First-Aid defibrillation and CPR

Always ReadyBasic Life Support & Automated External Defibrillation

Comprehensive automatic self-tests check all the AED's vital functions on a daily, weekly and monthly schedule, so as to ensure that the AED is always ready for emergency life saving

For first response professionals like the fire and ambulance services the AED is standard equipment. For schools, offices, shops, factories, gyms, hotels, and any public place, it's as vital as the fire extinguisher.

Course Outline

Heartsaver  AED (Automated External Defribillation) Training
  • Checking for Response & Rescue Breathing
  • Barrier Devices
  • Chest Compressions
  • Other Considerations
  • Adult / Child AED
  • Relieving Chocking (FBAO)
  • Recognising Heart Attacks and Strokes