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Manual Handling Training

Between a quarter to a third of all reportable accidents are due to faulty manual handling.

Most accidents result in back injuries and the cost associated with these accidents are enormous due to mainly to the chronic nature of the disability.

Crystal Safety Services can provide Manual Handling Training and Lifting Techniques to prevent these accidents occurring resulting in back injuries and prevent loss of production and time to the employer and increase moral throughout the work force.

Manual Handling
Course Outline


The course will cover the following topics:

  1. Information on the Health, Safety and Welfare at Work (General application) Regulations 2007, in relating to Manual Handling in the workplace, Employers/Employees duties, statistics on accident/injuries resulting from Manual Handling tasks.
  2. Information on the anatomy and biomechanics of the spine and muscles and how injuries take place from manual handling. 
  3. Flexibility and fitness for manual handling tasks, including practical exercises for flexibility and muscle toning.
  4. Identifying Manual Handling hazards, the risks assessment indication the risks involved in the tasks and the safety statement. 
  5. Identifying hazardous, unfamiliar and awkward loads. 
  6. Information on any possible measures to avoid or reduce manual handling i.e. organisational solutions such as smaller/lighter loads, addition manpower for the manual handling task involved and mechanical aids including practical demonstrations. 
  7. Applying good handling and lifting principles/techniques and practice of these techniques. 
  8. Instruction on appropriate clothing and footwear while handling loads and on Person Protective Equipment required for the particular task involved.
All Manual Handling courses delivered by Crystal Safety Servics are delivered by FETAC level 6 instructors as per the Manual Handling Training Advisory Group. 
FETAC Level 6 Manual Handling Instructors
Min. Number to an Instructor:
Max. Number to an Instructor:
Course Venue:
Crystal Safety Services Training Centre, Unit 26, Clonroad Business Park, Clonroad, Ennis, Co. Clare
Course Times:
13:30 - 16:30
Course Duration:
1/2 Day
Crystal Safety Services attendance Certificate
Comfortable Clothing
Certification For:
3 Years