- Confined Space Entry and Awareness Training
Crystal Safety Services can provide specialized training in Confined Spaces, i.e. tanks, vessel entry, lift shafts and sewers etc. Confined spaces are significantly more hazardous than normal workplaces. The Hazards involved may not be unique to confined spaces, but are always exacerbated by the enclosed nature of the confined space.
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- Working in Low Risk Confined Spaces
To provide the participants with the necessary practical skills and knowledge to operate successfully in “Low Risk” Confined Spaces utilising a safe systems approach to organizing and controlling the work and thereby comply with the Confined Space Code of Practice of 2010.
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- Working in Medium Risk Confined Spaces
To provide the participants with the necessary practical skills and knowledge to operate successfully in “Medium Risk” Confined Spaces utilising a safe systems approach to organizing and controlling the work and thereby comply with the Confined Space Code of Practice of 2010.
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- Working in High Risk Confined Spaces
To provide the participants with the necessary practical skills and knowledge to operate successfully in “High Risk” Confined Spaces utilising a safe systems approach to organizing and controlling the work and thereby comply with the Confined Space Code of Practice of 2010.
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- Confined Spaces Emergency Arrangements & Rescue
To provide the participants with the necessary practical skills and knowledge to operate successfully in Rescue Teams for Confined Spaces utilising a safe systems approach to the Rescues comply with the Confined Space Code of Practice of 2010.
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- Managing Risk in Confined Spaces
To provide the participants with an in-depth understanding and knowledge of the Confined Spaces Regulations, to comply with the Confined Space Code of Practice of 2010 and to develop the skills necessary for accurate assessment and classification of risk for confined space working.
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